Privacy-Preserving Bayesian Network Learning and Other Recent Results in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining

Rebecca Wright
Stevens Institute of Technology

Traditionally, many data mining techniques have been designed in the centralized model, in which all data is collected and available in one central site. However, as more and more activities are carried out using computers and computer networks, the amount of potentially sensitive data stored by business, governments, and other parties increases. Different parties often wish to benefit from cooperative use of their data, but privacy regulations and other privacy concerns may prevent the parties from sharing their data. Privacy-preserving data mining provides a solution by creating distributed data mining algorithms in which the underlying data need not be revealed.

In this talk, we will present privacy-preserving protocols for a particular data mining task: learning a Bayesian network from a database vertically partitioned among two parties. In this setting, two parties owning confidential databases wish to learn the Bayesian network on the combination of their databases without revealing anything else about their data to each other. If time permits, we will also discuss other recent results in privacy-preserving data mining.

(This is joint work with Zhiqiang Yang.)

Audio (MP3 File, Podcast Ready) Presentation (PDF File)

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