Bone Tissue: Hierarchical Simulations for Clinical Applications

April 21 - 23, 2010


BTHSCA1 aims to bring together orthopedic surgeons, clinicians, system biologists, mechanical and software engineers, and applied mathematicians to share the latest findings and formulate a plan to develop the next generation of three-dimensional multi-scale virtual rendering of bone tissue able to address specific clinical issues. The need for this workshop is based on

  • the increasing evidence that bone shows a plethora of divergent characteristics through a hierarchically-organized heterogeneous structure that varies across nano- micro- , and macro- length scales; and
  • the highly interdisciplinary nature of hierarchical modeling, based on developments that occur independently across multiple scientific disciplines and address phenomena manifested at the different scales.

Organizing Committee

John Adams (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))
Maria-Grazia Ascenzi, Chair (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))
Elena Cherkaev (University of Utah)
Paul Dechow (Texas A&M - Baylor College of Dentistry)
Eve Donnelly (Hospital for Special Surgery)
Gwendolen Reilly (University of Sheffield)