Towards Better Understanding of Underlying Mechanisms of Human-Automated Vehicle Interactions

Alireza Talebpour
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Safety has been the main driving force behind the design and development of connected, automated vehicles (CAVs) in the past several years. From the transportation and traffic flow perspective, however, the efficiency of CAVs and their impact on traffic flow dynamics is another critical design factor, that has been widely overlooked. Traffic flow dynamics in a connected, automated driving environment highly depends on human-CAV interactions. Accordingly, a better understanding of such interactions can pave the way towards a safe and efficient design of CAVs and bridge the gap between the current state of CAV design and expectations from this technology in the transportation community. This presentation will discuss a combined theoretical and experimental study of such interactions and offers a collaborative connected, automated driving environment as a solution to ensure both safety and efficiency in CAV design.

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