Frontiers Society

Whether one is seeking algorithms to locate disease genes, designing and predicting the properties of new materials, modeling the effect of economic changes on our climate, or discovering new methods to design trajectories for exploring the solar system, the need for cutting-edge, innovative mathematics is critical in many fields. Fostering new mathematical techniques and training a new generation of mathematical scientists who will develop and use them lies at the heart of IPAM’s mission.

You can help IPAM achieve its mission by joining IPAM’s Frontiers Society. You can make a donation here. Any donation is appreciated, and no amount is too small. Members of the Frontiers Society will receive regular updates about everything that is new at IPAM.

IPAM offers 3 distinct elevated membership levels. These membership levels are valid from the day of the donation until December 31 of the following calendar year. Couples may join with a single membership.

Innovator ($200 or above).

Membership at the Innovator level comes with the following benefits:

  • An IPAM gift (T-shirt, mug, or other).
  • Mentioning of your name in the annual newsletter and on the IPAM webpage.
  • Regular updates about IPAM and a print copy of the annual newsletter.

Visionary ($1000 or above).

Membership at the Visionary level comes with the following benefits:

  • All the benefits of the Innovator level membership.
  • An invitation to at least one special (annual) IPAM event.
  • Reserved seating at all public (general audience) IPAM events.

Champion ($2000 or above).

Membership at the Champion level comes with the following benefits:

  • All the benefits of the Visionary level membership.
  • Naming of a seat in the IPAM lecture hall: A plaque appears on the back of the seat with the name of the donor or someone the donor chooses to honor. We will continue to offer this opportunity until all seats are named.

Additional Naming Opportunities:

  • Donors giving $7,500 or more will be recognized on IPAM’s Donor Wall.
  • There are additional naming opportunities for larger donations. Please contact the Chief Administrative Officer or IPAM Director for more details.

Please help IPAM carry out its mission by making a contribution online. If you prefer to donate by mail, please print this form and mail it to The UCLA Foundation, PO Box 7145, Pasadena, CA 91109-7145.

If you have any questions about giving to IPAM, or wish to arrange a visit, please contact Loida De Leon at

IPAM is part of UCLA which is a public, nonprofit educational institution exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.  All gifts to IPAM are 100% tax deductible.