Synthesis of State-Level Planning and Strategic Actions on Automated Vehicles: Lessons and Policy Guidance for California.

Susan Shaheen
University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

This synthesis provides a summary and comparative analysis of actions states across the United States are taking in response to automated vehicles (AVs). The research focuses on state-level stakeholder forums (e.g., task forces, committees) and state-level strategic actions (e.g., studies, initiatives, programs) initiated by a state legislature, a governor, or a state agency. The analysis found that AV stakeholder forums and strategic actions address a diverse set of focus areas, but pay minimal attention to the implications of AVs on the environment, public health, social equity, land use, public transit, goods movement, and emergency response. Also, forums and strategic actions commonly include members from state transportation departments, the legislature, and academia; however, representatives from industry and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are included less often. Academia and researchers participate in the majority of AV forums and actions, either in an advisory capacity (i.e., sharing expertise and experience) and/or through conducting research. Based on this analysis, the synthesis concludes with a recommendation for California to form a state-level working group representing leaders from the public sector, industry, NGOs, and academia to advise the Governor and the Legislature on AV policy across a range of focus areas.

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