American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects New Members
The American Academy of Arts and Sciences recently announced the election of 261 new members. The academy is committed to multidisciplinary, nonpartisan research that engages experts in various fields and professions to provide pragmatic solutions for complex challenges. Each year, it recognizes some of the world’s most accomplished artists, scholars, scientists, and leaders in the public, non-profit, and private sectors. IPAM is delighted to announce that Wilfrid Gangbo, Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles and co-organizer of IPAM’s 2020 High Dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs; Alice Guionnet, Research Director at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and co-organizer of IPAM’s 2018 program Quantitive Linear Algebra; Mark Kisin, Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University and co-organizer of IPAM’s 2019 workshop Braids, Resolvent Degree and Hilbert’s 13th Problem; Rafe Mazzeo, Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University and co-organizer of IPAM’s 2017 workshop Gauge Theory and Categorification; Shamit Kachru, Professor of Physics at Stanford University and participant at IPAM’s 2020 workshop Mathematical Models in Understanding COVID-19; Robert Calderbank, Professor of Computer Science at Duke University and former member of IPAM’s Science Advisory Board; and Leonid Kruglyak, Professor of Human Genetics and Biological Chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles and speaker at IPAM’s 2016 Computational Genomics Summer Institute are amongst the accomplished new members.
Congratulations on this great achievement!