Congratulations RIPS2023!

Posted on 10/24/23 in News

IPAM is pleased to announce that all RIPS2023 projects were accepted for poster presentation at the January 2024 Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM). Additionally, the SAP project was chosen for an oral presentation. The titles of the projects our RIPS2023 students will presenting are:

Project Team Presentation Title
Aerospace Gauss-Markov Modeling of GPS Ephemeris and Clock Error
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Multifidelity Modeling for Rarefied Gas Kinetics Using POD and CFD
AMD Neural Networks for solving PDEs and Applications to Inverse Problems
Artificial Genius Particle-Type Methods for Stochastic Nonlinear Control and Intelligent Game-Playing
IBM Expressibility of Quantum Circuits for Chemistry Applications
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Parallel Algebraic Multigrid for Fusion and Higher-Order PDEs
Relay Evaluation and Interpretation of Chemical Large Language Models
SAP Applying Computer Vision for Out-of-stock Detection in Retail Stores
Toyota Optimizing Cycle Life Prediction of Lithium-ion Batteries via a Physics-Informed Model


Congratulations to the students, academic and industry mentors, and RIPS Director, Susana Serna!