Ingrid Daubechies Gives 2016 Green Family Lectures
Last week, IPAM’s Green Family Lecture Series featured three talks by Ingrid Daubechies, the James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. Daubechies was the president of the International Mathematical Union from 2011-2014. She has received many awards for her work on wavelet research, digital signal processing, and time-frequency analysis.
Her first talk, entitled “The Master’s Hand: Can Image Analysis Detect the Hand of the Master?” described image processing tools used to determine whether a painting is an original, or whether or not two parts of a painting were painted by the same artist. Her second talk, “Bones, Teeth, and Animation,” described distances between pairs of two-dimensional surfaces, allowing biological morphologists to compare different phenotypical structures and to study relationships of living or extinct animals with their surroundings and each other. She used three datasets representing teeth and different bones of primates and humans to illustrate her approach. She also gave a talk to the participants of the Culture Analytics program. Watch the videos of her talks.