IPAM Board Members and Participants Named to Highly Cited Researchers
A number of IPAM Science Advisory Board (SAB) members, organizers, speakers, and participants are named to Highly Cited Researchers in a new survey which takes the top 1% in each field of highly cited papers between 2002 and 2012. As noted on their site, Highly Cited Researchers 2014 “represents some of the world’s leading scientific minds. Over three thousand researchers earned the distinction by writing the greatest numbers of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators℠ as Highly Cited Papers … earning them the mark of exceptional impact.” Current IPAM SAB members Stanley Osher (UCLA), Terence Tao (UCLA), and Emmanuel Candès (Stanford) made the list.
To read more on the explanation of the method and purpose of the new list of Highly Cited Researchers, please click here.