National Academy of Sciences Elects New Members in 2023
Posted on 5/5/23
The National Academy of Sciences announced the election of 120 members and 23 international members in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. IPAM is proud to announce the following affiliates elected this year.
- Garcia-Garibay, Miguel A. (UCLA), Dean of Division of Physical Sciences.
- Venkatesh, Akshay (Institute for Advanced Study Princeton), panelist during IPAM’s 2023 workshop Machine Assisted Proofs.
- Uhlmann, Gunther (University of Washington), organizer and participant of IPAM’s 2021 long program, Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, and speaker for IPAM’s workshop, Computational Challenges in Gravitational Wave Astronomy.
- Lin, Xihong (Harvard University), current member of IPAM Science Advisory Board.
- Szalay, Alexander S. (Johns Hopkins University), participant of IPAM’s 2018 long program Science at Extreme Scales: Where Big Data Meets Large-Scale Computing.
- Kruglyak, Leonid (UCLA), speaker for IPAM’s 2016 summer program Computational Genomics Summer Institute.
- Watts, Duncan (University of Pennsylvania), speaker of IPAM’s 2014 workshop Mathematics of Social Learning.
- Chen, Gang (MIT), speaker for IPAM’S 2013 workshop Energy Conservation and Waste Heat Recovery.