RIPS Students Win Awards at JMM2020
The 2019 RIPS and GRIPS students made their presence known at the 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings held in Denver, Colorado, January 15-18, 2020. Over 30 students represented IPAM’s summer research programs: RIPS-LA, RIPS-Singapore, GRIPS-Berlin, and GRIPS-Sendai. Throughout the conference, students gave both poster and oral presentations on their summer research projects. At the MAA Undergraduate Poster Session, six teams representing IPAM and their respective sponsors were honored with the “Outstanding Award”: Alibaba, AMD, Google-LA, GumGum, HRL, and LLNL. Four more teams were chosen for “Honorable Mention”: Aerospace, GRAB, Google-Singapore, and NVIDIA. With a total of 361 posters at the poster session, IPAM couldn’t be prouder of their success!