RIPS Students Participate in JMM and NCUWM
IPAM’s Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) participants were amongst those who attended the 2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) that took place virtually during January 6-9, 2021. Though virtual, it remained devoted to mathematics research, teaching, advancement, and achievement, as well as time for conversation with friends and colleagues. At the virtual MAA Undergraduate Poster Session at JMM, the HRL team was honored with the “Outstanding Poster”. Four more teams were chosen for “Honorable Mention”: Aerospace, AFRL, AMD, and LLNL. In addition, three members of the RIPS 2020 cohort participated in the 23rd Annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) which was held online January 22-24, 2021. The conference seeks to provide undergraduates with role models, insider knowledge, opportunities to present undergraduate research, and a growing community of peers interested in issues related to creating a supportive environment for women in mathematics.
IPAM is proud of their accomplishments!