IPAM to Conduct Associate Director Search
Oct. 4, 2012, Los Angeles, CA
The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA is seeking a second Associate Director (AD) to help lead and organize innovative programs in pure and applied mathematics. The term of appointment will be two years, beginning August 1, 2013. The appointment may be extended for a third year by mutual agreement.
The AD is expected to be an active research mathematician or scientist in a related field, with some experience in conference organization. We welcome candidates from industry and national labs as well as academia. An enthusiasm for mathematics and its applications (broadly construed) is essential. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
The AD will manage about half of the programs in coordination with the organizing committees (representing diverse scientific fields) and IPAM staff. The AD will also help set institute policy and direction, solicit and review proposals for future programs, recruit industry sponsors for the undergraduate summer program, and occasionally represent IPAM at conferences and meetings. The selected candidate will be encouraged to continue or develop his or her personal research program as well.
Applications should include a CV, a short statement of the applicant’s vision for their service at IPAM, and at least three names of references. Applications will receive fullest consideration if received by February 1, 2013.
Candidates may send their application materials by email or may mail them to: Associate Director Search Committee, Institute for Pure and Applied Math, 460 Portola Plaza, P.O. Box 957121, Los Angeles, CA 90095-7121.
IPAM/UCLA is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
More Information About IPAM:
IPAM is an NSF funded national research institute in the mathematical sciences, located on the UCLA campus. Its mission is to foster interdisciplinary collaborations between mathematics and other scientific fields.
IPAM offers two long programs per year, plus several shorter programs throughout the year. Each long program has significant participation from both mathematicians and other scientists, and consists of tutorials, workshops and a culminating retreat off-campus. IPAM has funding to support both senior and junior scholars, including graduate students, as long term scholars in-residence or as workshop participants. IPAM also sponsors a summer undergraduate industrial research program and a two- or three-week summer school.