Graduate-level Research in Industrial Projects for Students (G-RIPS) – Sendai 2022

June 20 - August 9, 2022

Industrial Partners

The industrial partners for G-RIPS Sendai 2022 include:


Project 1: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation: Project A

Title: Construction for incomplete map matching based on local and global geometries

Industrial Partner: Advanced Technology R&D Center of Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

Mitsubishi Electric Corp., founded in 1921, is an electronic and electric equipment manufacturer developing products and solutions in widely diverse fields, including home appliances, industrial equipment, and space technologies. The Advanced Technology R&D Center was established to support the business of Mitsubishi Electric Group through the development of a broad scope of projects covering both basic and new advanced technologies. The main research themes include power electronics, mechatronics, satellite communications, next generation key devices, system solutions for electric power, transportation, factory automation, and automobiles.

Industrial Mentor:
Masashi Yamazaki, Ph.D., MITSUBISHI Electric Corp.

Project Description: In this project students will consider how to build and evaluate matching methods between incomplete maps based on local and/or global geometries. The students will work on implementations as well as a comprehensive mathematical formulation to guide the implementations.

You can find a detailed project description here.


Project 2: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation: Project B

Title: Multi-objective optimization for best early prediction of extreme weather events

Industrial Partner: Information Technology R&D Center of Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

Mitsubishi Electric is a world leader in the manufacture and sales of electrical and electronic products and systems used in a broad range of fields and applications. As a global leader among green companies, our technologies are being applied to contribute to and support society and daily life around the world. The Information Technology R&D Center is actively creating new businesses through basic research and development in the fields of information technology, media intelligence, electro-optics microwaves, and communication technologies. We are also seeking technologies that reinforce our position on the leading edge of progress, with work to renew existing businesses through the fruits of our R&D in the field of IT.

Industrial Mentors:

Shumpei Kameyama Ph.D., Hidenobu Tsuji Ph.D., and Yusuke Ito Ph.D., Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Kamakura, Japan.

Project Description:

In this project students will use a mathematical approach to develop an optimization strategy for the number and location of meteorological sensing instruments (such as LiDAR), to get the best early prediction of extreme weather events.

You can find a detailed project description here.


Project 3: NEC Corporation 

Title: Application of annealing machines to production planning optimization

Industrial Partner: NEC Corporation

NEC, founded in 1899, is now particularly addressing the development of solutions for society that will help resolve many issues the world is facing and which will engender the creation of a brighter and more prosperous society. Through co-creation initiatives with many different stakeholders, including customers, business partners, private individuals, government agencies, and international institutions, we are actively devising new business models to create social value by harnessing our extensive information and communication technology (ICT) assets.

Industrial Mentor:

Ryoji Miyazaki, Ph.D. NEC Corp.

Project Description:

In this project students will work on the combinatorial optimization problem of production planning. This is also known as a job-scheduling problem. They will study how to formulate the problem and how to apply annealing to it. The students will be able to use the latest annealing machines provided by NEC.

You can find a detailed project description here.


Project 4: F-MIRAI

Title: Mathematical approaches for mobility services in suburban areas

Industrial Partner: F-MIRAI center at University of Tsukuba

Toyota will  lead the way  to the future of  mobility,  enriching lives  worldwide with the safest and  most  responsible ways  of  moving people.  In the  near  future,  cars  are expected to connect  with people  and communities  and to  perform  in  new  roles  as  part  of  human  social infrastructure.  New  domains  of  service  such as  AI,  autonomous  driving,  robotics,  and connected cars  are becoming especially  important.  Toyota aims  to reach the ultimate goal of  sustainable  mobility,  creating a mobile future society  full  of  smiles.  Toyota and the University  of  Tsukuba have jointly  established the  R&D  Center  for  Frontiers  of  MIRAI  in Policy  and Technology  (F-MIRAI),  which  advances  toward Society  5.0 through  the development  of  infrastructure for  future communities  and the formation of  industrial  centers through long-term  collaborative action.

Industrial Mentor:

Takahiro NOGUCHI, F-MIRAI, University of Tsukuba

Project Description:

In this project students will study and design Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) for the campus of the University of Tsukuba through analyses of person-trips and other related datasets. The model will include various modes of transportation including (autonomous) private vehicles, buses, bicycles, and walks.

You can find a detailed project description here.