ExaFEL: Achieving real-time XFEL data analysis using Exascale Hardware

Johannes Blaschke
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

With ever increasing data collection rates, large-scale experiments
increasingly rely on high-performance computing (HPC) resources to process
data (https://doi.org/10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9671421). This is a
particularly difficult challenge when experimental operators require data
processing in real time in order to steer experimental methodology. Often
terabytes are collected per day, outstripping the local resources. One example
of such a workflow is real-time data processing at NERSC for data collected
during X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) experiments at the Linac Coherent Light
Source (LCLS). Furthermore, live XFEL data processing cannot be completely
scripted ahead of time, as the samples are usually unknown, and the experiments
tend to be fairly hands-on. The challenge to HPC is clear: in order spend
valuable beamtime wisely, data needs to be analyzed within minutes of it being
collected at LCLS -- while accepting user input, and presenting results in a
low-effort way.

Here we examine one such workflow (https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.11469)
which analyzes data collected at LCLS in real time at NERSC.
This workflow is scripted in Python (allowing users to
rapidly make changes during an experiment), while offloading as much as
possible of the computationally intensive components in C++ and Kokkos. A simple
pipeline management engine is responsible for translating user inputs (such as
new calibration constants) to Slurm job scripts.

We also examine the workflow performance data collected over two years of
beam-times. Using the job turn-around data, and performance data from
instrumented code, we can infer the frequency at which experimental operators
interact with the data analysis workflow (ie. the time spent making changes to
the experiment, the time spent interpreting data, and the time spent making
inputs/changes to the data analysis software). We present these data in the context
of other data analysis workflows running at NERSC.

We hope that these insights provide a basis for future workflow design, performance
monitoring and benchmarking of other interactive workflows in the experimental

Presentation (PDF File)

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