
Eitan Tadmor
UCLA / University of Maryland

March 19, 2001

Good morning. My name is Eitan Tadmor and I am pleased to welcome you to the IPAM program on "Oscillatory Integrals and Dispersive Equations".

This is the second in a series of short programs that IPAM will run every year, complementing IPAM's two quarter-long interdisciplinary programs, which together form the core vision of the Institute. Next week we will start our Spring 2001 program on "Geometrically Based Motions" and I would like to encourage you to take a closer look at the various activities planned for this quarter and share this informal invitation for the program with colleagues and students.

IPAM stands for the "Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics". It is the recent (and indeed- the only) addition to the existing MSRI and IMA NSF Math institutes, that was born in response to a call for proposals made three years ago. The goal is to create an environment that will encourage the interaction between mathematicians and researchers from other scientific disciplines. We hope you will agree with us about at least one aspect of this encouraging environment, after spending the next few days at the newly renovated IPAM building designed by the world renowned architect Frank Gehry.

The first three mornings of the OIDE program will start with mini-tutorial lectures by Professors Mike Christ, Sergiu Klainerman and Terry Tao. We are in an Oscar ceremony week and this is LA, so it is a proper occasion to thank those who help the production.

The program was initiated by Terry Tao's script whose Packard Foundation Grant provides partial support for the workshop. As a Co-Director I would like to thank Terry, together with Mike & Sergiu, for the work in organizing this meeting, and to thank the three of them for responding to my request with prepared tutorial lecture notes. IPAM staff, led by Eilish Hathaway is also acknowledged for a superb work, and I would like to address any of you with special requests to IPAM staff for help. We hope you will find the time you spend here at IPAM rewarding and constructive.

On the social side, a dinner is planned today 5:30 at the IPAM building for the registered participants. Wednesday, we will have a shuttle available to- and from the Santa Monica promenade, and this is a good opportunity to take advantage of the main thing LA has to offer these days over the rest of the country -- the great weather.

On Thursday we scheduled a Lunch with the members of the Math Department. The Department is nearby and you are welcome to visit. The Math department is our closest ally on campus, but not the only one -- with its interdisciplinary vision, IPAM found strong allies in the various academic units of the UCLA Campus, in the College of Physical Sciences, as well as Life Sciences and the Medical school. This is a good opportunity to encourage you to visit the beautiful UCLA campus during the period you are staying here.

In concluding my academy award like list of those who should be acknowledged for their contribution, special thanks go to the National Science Foundation (NSF) who voted for our IPAM proposal.

Christoph Thiele is the Chair of this morning session. Christoph, the floor is yours.


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