An important example of multiscale material response is the fracture of ductile solids. In the process of ductile fracture, voids nucleate, growand coalesce, and it is this linking process that creates the fracture. Ductile fracture has typically been modeled at the continuum level, in a variety of models that may or may not model voids explicitly. Here we extend our previous
work encompassing an extensive series of simulations of void growth with a study of the coalescence process at three levels of modeling: atomistic, dislocation dynamics and continuum plasticity models. Large-scale atomistic models provide detailed information on void interactions and the plasticity generated as voids coalesce, based solely on the constitutive properties inherent in the interatomic forces. The details of the plasticity are then used to inform dislocation dynamics and continuum plasticity models in order to develop models that scale beyond the nanoscale.