Ultra-low Power Message Summarization

Daniel Rubenstein
Columbia University
Computer Science and Engineering

This talk is about some very preliminary research that is geared
toward Active Networked Tags (ANTs), which are RFIDs that can
implement a delay-tolerant ad-hoc network. Each ANT's energy comes
from an on-board harvesting process, and the ANT must restrict its
communication within the confines of its available energy to forward
its ID to neighboring ANTs, as well as receive neighboring ANTs' IDs
for storage and further forwarding. If the forwarding of individual
IDs becomes too expensive energywise, then the information should be
forwarded in a summarized form that can direct subsequent queries, or
provide estimates of existence of IDs.

We pose the problem in a form where an ANT must convey information
about a set of IDs to a neighbor, but has a limited number of bits
that can be used to convey the information? In what form should the
information be conveyed that is the most useful? Our preliminary
approach is to use attenuated bloom filters that record different
depths, but it is unclear how useful this approach is, and we are
still looking for something better.

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