Direct Numerical Simulations of Dense Thermonuclear-Burning Plasmas Using Molecular Dynamics: The Role of High Performance Computing

Jim Glosli
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

The molecular dynamics (MD) method is a non-perturbative many-body approach than can be use to explore both equilibrium and temporal properties. For dense thermonuclear-burning plasmas MD can provide microscopic insight at conditions that are extremely difficult to probe experimentally. The varied length-scale and time-scales present in hot dense burning plasma can require many-particle and long-time MD simulations that are computationally expensive. As such, these investigations require high performance computing (HPC). The multi-institutional Cimarron project was launched with this goal of using large-scale MD simulations to investigate dense thermonuclear-burning plasmas. This talk will focus on the HPC issues/solutions explored and the interplay between models, methods and machines, as Cimarron was stood-up.

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