Computational Challenges in Modeling the Physics Of ICF Ignition Scale Hohlraums & ICF Implosions

Mordecai Rosen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

We present an overview of computational modeling issues encountered when we analyze data from the National Ignition Campaign (NIC). Challenges include the need for precision as we proceed into scale lengths ~ 4x larger than previous experience. Plasma conditions are governed by non-linear and non-local processes, such as electron heat conduction and radiation transport. Both non-LTE (NLTE) high Z atomic physics and Laser Plasma Interactions (LPI) affect the plasma conditions, which then affect both the NLTE and the LPI in return. All of the above “non-easy physics” can also lead to non-Maxwellian particle distributions. Implosion dynamics with low Z ablators that are doped with high Z materials are a challenge in 1-D, and certainly in 3-D, given the likelihood of (possibly non-linear) hydrodynamic instabilities and mix. The NIC empirical tuning campaign to reach ignition could benefit from having improved understanding of the current experimentally measured target performance. Improved computational modeling is likely to contribute to that understanding.

Presentation (PDF File)

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