Tetrahedrally Bonded Semiconductor Epitaxy: Maturing Technology, Immature Science?

Anupam Madhukar
University of Southern California

That remarkably sophisticated epitaxy of tetrahedrally-bonded semiconductors can be implemented is evident in the advanced semiconductor hetero- and nano-structure electronic and optoelectronic devices achieved to-date. However, understanding the underlying dynamics, particularly at the atomic spatial and on growth-time scales- of increasing importance to affecting controlled ensembles of uniform nanostructures in spatially-selective dense patterns-, is lagging. In this talk I shall emphasize a wholistic perspective of the combined experimental, modeling, and simulation approach to addressing atomistic aspects of the dynamics and kinetics of semiconductor homo- and hetero-epitaxy. The configuration-dependent reactive-incorporation (CDRI) conceptual model of compound semiconductor epitaxy provides the necessary and sufficient framework for such an examination. Focus will be on stress-driven individual and interacting ensembles of growth-controlled nanostructure initiation and evolution. While remarkable progress is being made on the simulation fronts, including multi-scale hybrid quantum and classical approaches, many experimental findings remain to be understood.

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