Strong Transport in Weakly Disordered Systems

Eli Ben-Naim
Los Alamos National Laboratory

The transport of interacting particles in weakly disordered media will be discussed. The one-dimensional system includes (i) disorder: the hopping rate governing the movement of a particle between two neighboring lattice sites is inhomogeneous, and (ii) hard core
interaction: the maximum occupancy at each site is one particle. Over a substantial regime, the root-mean-square displacement of a particle, sigma, grows super-diffusively with time t, sigma ~ (epsilon t)^{2/3}, where epsilon is the disorder strength. Without disorder the particle displacement is sub-diffusive, sigma ~ t^{1/4}, and therefore disorder dramatically enhances particle mobility. This effect is explained using scaling arguments, and verify the theoretical predictions through numerical simulations. Also, the simulations show that disorder generally leads to stronger mobility.

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