After celebrating one decade of explosive world-wide research activities, electromagnetic metamaterials have generated a host of novel concepts and applications. However, to fully exploit their potential and settle as a lasting field of science and technology, they require the exploration of novel conceptual, technological and commercial directions. This talk will present three novel topics which are thought to present a promising potential along this line. The first topic will deal with several innovations based on the now classical full-space scanning composite right/left-handed leaky-wave antenna, including agile active beam formers, maximal efficiency power-recycling systems, direction of arrival detectors, ferrite-based uniform radiators, and Talbot imagers. The second topic will show how to exploit the inherent dispersion of metamaterial structures to develop systematic dispersion-engineering techniques and design novel real-time analog signal processors, such as impulse phase shifters, real-time Fourier transformers, and real-time spectrum analyzers. Finally, the third topic will be about ferromagnetic nanowire (FMNW) metamaterials, which offer unique advantages over conventional magnetic isolators (self-biasing, easy integration, millimetre-wave operation and double ferromagnetic resonance), and will demonstrate related microwave devices.