IPAM is pleased to share our annual newsletter featuring Tatiana Toro’s (University of Washington) inspiration for the Latinx in the Mathematical Sciences (LatMath) Conference and Frank Noe’s (Freie Universität Berlin) experience in establishing interdisciplinary collaborations in the dynamic field of machine learning at IPAM. This […]
We invite you to read our latest newsletter, featuring an article about Wilfrid Gangbo (UCLA) and his ten years of involvement with IPAM, and another on Science Advisory Board member Amie Wilkinson’s (Chicago) contributions to IPAM. It also celebrates another successful Latinx in the Mathematical […]
The past year has been full of activities and changes. Read about our programs and other activities in our annual newsletter. This year’s newsletter features Tim Tangherlini, an expert on Scandinavian folklore who has become a leader in bringing quantitative methods to the humanities, and […]
It’s been a very full and exciting year at IPAM, and we invite you to read about it in our 2016 newsletter! In this issue, we feature: Matthias Scheffler (Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin and UC Santa Barbara) who studies computational materials science to solve […]