What’s New

“Math 2025” Report Available

Posted on 7/9/12 in News

The Committee on the Mathematical Sciences in 2025 recently released the report, “Fueling Innovation and Discovery: The Mathematical Sciences in the 21st Century,” which describes recent advances in the mathematical sciences and advances enabled by mathematical sciences research and presents a broad assessment of the […]

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Caflisch Accepts Second Term

Posted on 6/29/12 in News

IPAM’s Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Dr. Russel Caflisch has accepted a second term as Director of IPAM. Caflisch’s achievements during his first term so far include a successful renewal proposal to NSF which guarantees IPAM’s funding through 2015, the launching of […]

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Digital Humanities Program Leads to Publication

Posted on 6/27/12 in News

Timothy Tangherlini, lead organizer of the 2010 IPAM summer school “Networks and Network Analysis for the Humanities,” along with co-authors Peter Broadwell and James Abello (also participants in the summer school), recently published the article “Computational Folkloristics” in Communications of the ACM, July 2012 (Volume […]

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Nobel Laureate Walter Kohn to visit IPAM May 29-31

Posted on 5/17/12 in News

Walter Kohn, Nobel Laureate and professor of physics at University of California Santa Barbara, will be the inaugural speaker in the Green Family Lecture Series, made possible by a generous endowment by former IPAM director and co-founder Mark Green and his family. Kohn has made […]

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