What’s New

2013 Dedicated to “Math for Planet Earth”

Posted on 1/9/13 in News

More than 100 scientific societies, universities, research institutes, and organizations all over the world (including IPAM) are dedicating 2013 as the year of Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE). MPE2013 is an initiative to learn more about the challenges faced by our planet and the underlying […]

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LeCun Cited in NYT Article on Machine Learning

Posted on 12/1/12 in News

The New York Times front-page article “Scientists See Promise in Deep-Learning Programs” (November 23, 2012) cites Yann LeCun, Silver Professor of Computer Science, Neural Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Courant Institute, New York University. LeCun organized the 2012 IPAM summer school “Deep Learning, […]

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IMS Elects Bin Yu as President-Elect

Posted on 11/2/12 in News

IPAM’s Science Advisory Board member Bin Yu has been elected President-Elect of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). The IMS is a leading international professional and scholarly society devoted to the development, dissemination, and application of statistics and probability. Bin Yu is Professor of Statistics, […]

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J.S. Chen Receives Award

Posted on 7/19/12 in News

Professor J. S. Chen (UCLA) received the Computational Mechanics Award given biannually by the International Association for Computational Mechanics for his seminal contribution in nonlinear finite element and meshfree methods, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian finite element method for large deformation and contact mechanics, multiscale materials modeling, […]

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