SIAM Announces 2021 Fellows
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) has announced the 2021 Class of SIAM Fellows. 28 esteemed members of the SIAM community were nominated by their peers and chosen for their exemplary research as well as outstanding service to the community. We would like to congratulate the following IPAM affiliates who are among the nominees:
Eitan Tadmor (University of Maryland), founding IPAM director.
Robert Calderbank (Duke University), former IPAM Science Advisory Board member.
Rachel Levy (American Mathematical Society), panel organizer for IPAM’s 2022 conference, Latinx in the Mathematical Sciences Conference.
Tryphon Georgiou (UC Irvine), speaker for IPAM’s 2021 workshop, Entropy Inequalities, Quantum Information and Quantum Physics.
Shmuel Friedland (University of Illinois at Chicago), core participant for IPAM’s 2021 long program, Tensor Methods and Emerging Applications to the Physical and Data Sciences.
Anna L. Mazzucato (Penn State University), organizer and core participant for several IPAM events including the 2021 workshop, Transport and Mixing in Complex and Turbulent Flows.
Jack Xin (UC Irvine), speaker for numerous IPAM programs including the 2020 workshop, Stochastic Analysis Related to Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs.
Rebecca Willett (University of Chicago), speaker for several IPAM programs including the 2020 workshop, PDE and Inverse Problem Methods in Machine Learning.
Gary Froyland (University of New South Wales), speaker for IPAM’s 2019 workshop, Operator Theoretic Methods in Dynamic Data Analysis and Control.
Shang-Hua Teng (University of Southern California), speaker for IPAM’s 2018 workshop, New Architectures and Algorithms.
Per-Gunnar Martinsson (University of Texas at Austin), speaker for several IPAM programs including the 2018 workshop, Big Data Meets Large-Scale Computing.
Habib Najm (Sandia National Laboratories), speaker for IPAM’s 2016 workshop, Uncertainty Quantification for Multiscale Stochastic Systems and Applications.
Trachette Jackson (University of Michigan), organizer for several IPAM workshops including the Blackwell-Tapia Conference and Awards Ceremony in 2014.