Image courtesy of David Goluskin
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Turbulence is perhaps the primary paradigm of complex nonlinear multi-scale dynamics. It is ubiquitous in fluid flows and plays a major role in problems ranging from the determination of drag coefficients and heat and mass transfer rates in engineering applications, to important dynamical processes in environmental science, ocean and atmosphere dynamics, geophysics, and astrophysics. Understanding turbulent mixing and transport of heat, mass, and momentum remains an important open challenge for 21st century physics and mathematics.
This IPAM program is centered on fundamental issues in mathematical fluid dynamics, scientific computation, and applications including rigorous and reliable mathematical estimates of physically important quantities for solutions of the partial differential equations that are believed, in many situations, to accurately model the essential physical phenomena. This program will bring together physicists, engineers, analysts, and applied mathematicians to share problems, insights, results and solutions. Enhancing communications across these traditional disciplinary boundaries is a central goal of the program.
Charles Doering
(University of Michigan)
Gregory Eyink
(Johns Hopkins University)
Pascale Garaud
(University of California, Santa Cruz (UC Santa Cruz))
Michael Jolly
(Indiana University)
Keith Julien
(University of Colorado Boulder)
Beverley McKeon
(California Institute of Technology)