IPAM Public Lecture: “The Melting Rubik’s Cube: From Fluids to Combinatorics and Vice Versa” by Yann Brenier

June 27, 2018

Speaker Bio


Yann Brenier is a remarkable mathematician. He is one of the founders of the mathematical theory of optimal transport and has made numerous original observations in other fields.  He obtained his doctorate at the University Paris IX – Dauphine in 1982.  Brenier spent a year at UCLA as an E.R. Hedrick Assistant Professor in 1985, then returned to France as the Director of Research at Inria, Rocquencourt for four years.  In 1990, Brenier began teaching at Université Paris 6 while concurrently teaching at Ecole Normale Supérieure.  Brenier has been the Director of Research at CNRS since 2012.  He was a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (1996-2000) and an invited sectional lecturer at ICM 2002.