In addition to the scheduled mini-courses and full-length talks at this workshop, there will be a shorter contributed talks session presented by mostly graduate student and newer PhD participants. This session will take place on Wednesday, January 27, as posted on the schedule. Presenters will give short (3-minute) talks to the audience introducing their research, followed by a brief Q&A session.
Wednesday, January, 27, 2021 from 9:25-9:55 a.m. PT
BREAKOUT ROOM 3 (Chair: Kristin Courtney)
- Mihai Alboiu (University of Toronto): “Diagonal subhomogeneous algebras and their matrix-unit-compatible inductive limits”
- Ali Asadi-Vasfi (University of Tehran): “Radius of comparison of crossed products, fixed point algebras, and tensor products with C (X)”
- Abhinav Chand (University of Louisiana at Lafayette): “Bounded normal generation for unitary groups of C*-algebras”
- Quan Chen (Ohio State University): “Standard λ-lattices, rigid C* tensor categories, and (bi)modules”
- Dimitris Gerontogiannis (University of Glasgow): “Geometric K-duality and dimension theory for Smale spaces”
BREAKOUT ROOM 4 (Chair: Sam Evington)
- Roberto Hernandez Palomares (Ohio State University): “Actions of unitary tensor categories on GJS C*-algebras”
- Peter Huston (Ohio State University): “The Module Embedding Theorem Via Towers of Algebras”
- Jeffrey Im (University or Toronto): “Colored isomorphism of C*-algebras”
- Cristian Ivanescu (University of Alberta): “Classification of inductive limits of 1-dimensional NCCW complexes, Part 2”