Particle beams, from heavy ions to electrons and photons, are used to explore matters at the molecular, atomic and subatomic level, and in many industrial and medical applications. Accelerators were invented in the 1930s to provide high-energy particles to investigate the structure of the atomic nucleus. Since then, high-energy accelerators led to the discovery of the fundamental building blocks of the Universe and the exploration of the forces acting between them. From the 1970s, the field of accelerator science widened in scope from elementary particle physics to sciences exploring the structure and dynamics of organic and inorganic aggregates of atoms and molecules through the use of neutrons, synchrotron radiation, and free electron lasers. Approximately 30,000 accelerators are currently used to diagnose and treat cancer and other diseases, improve manufacturing processes, and study energy, environmental and security issues. The operation and future improvement of particle accelerators requires the solutions to challenging mathematical problems related to single particle nonlinear dynamics and collective phenomena in high intensity particle beams interacting with electromagnetic fields and plasmas. These challenges include the effects of linear and nonlinear resonances and KAM dynamics in particle accelerators, regular and chaotic effects in many body systems, collective effects, particle beam instabilities and Landau damping.
The workshop is dedicated to better understand and extend the mathematical methods available to accelerator physicists to make progress in understanding and controlling the physics and technology of these systems.
This workshop will include a poster session; a request for posters will be sent to registered participants in advance of the workshop.
Rafael de la Llave
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Vadim Kaloshin
(University of Maryland)
Young-Kee Kim
(University of Chicago)
Amie Wilkinson
(University of Chicago)