Transport and Mixing in Complex and Turbulent Flows

January 11 - 14, 2021


All times in this Schedule are Pacific Time (PT)

Monday, January 11, 2021

SESSION CHAIR: Charles Doering (University of Michigan)

Morning Session

7:55 - 8:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks: Dean Miguel García-Garibay (Dean of Physical Sciences, UCLA) and Dima Shlyakhtenko (Director, IPAM)
8:00 - 8:25
8:35 - 9:00
9:10 - 9:25 Break
9:25 - 9:50
Megan Davies Wykes (University of Cambridge)

Mixing by plumes in boxes
PDF Presentation

10:00 - 10:25
10:35 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 11:15
Ian Tobasco (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Branching patterns in the optimal design of heat transport
PDF Presentation

11:25 - 11:50
12:00 - 12:15 Lightning Poster Round
12:15 - 1:00 Virtual Poster Session

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

SESSION CHAIR: Anna Mazzucato (Pennsylvania State University)

Morning Session

8:00 - 8:25
8:35 - 9:00
Christian Seis (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster)

Estimates on the rates of enhanced dissipation and mixing
PDF Presentation

9:10 - 9:25 Break
9:25 - 9:50
10:00 - 10:25
Alexander Kiselev (Duke University)

Mixing polynomial roots by differentiation
PDF Presentation

10:35 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 11:55
12:05 - 12:30
Gautam Iyer (Carnegie Mellon University)

Dissipation Enhancement, Mixing and Blow-up Suppression

12:40 - 12:55 Break
12:55 - 1:20
Theodore Drivas (Princeton University)

Anomalous dissipation for passive scalars

1:30 - 1:55
Steve Brunton (University of Washington)

Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics
PDF Presentation

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

SESSION CHAIR: Colm-cille Caulfield (University of Cambridge)

Morning Session

8:00 - 8:25
8:35 - 9:00
9:10 - 9:25 Break
9:25 - 9:50
Sergei Chernyshenko (Imperial College)

Extension of QSQH theory to all velocity components
PDF Presentation

10:00 - 10:25
10:35 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 11:15
Andrej Zlatos (University of California, San Diego (UCSD))

On Universal Mixers
PDF Presentation

11:25 - 11:50
Greg Chini (University of New Hampshire)

Mixing Hot and Cold with Sound
PDF Presentation

Thursday, January 14, 2021

SESSION CHAIRS: Anna Mazzucato, Colm-cille Caulfield

Morning Session

8:00 - 8:25
8:35 - 9:00
9:10 - 9:25 Break
9:25 - 9:50
10:00 - 10:25
Jean-Luc Thiffeault (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

On mix-norms and the rate of decay of correlations
PDF Presentation

10:35 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 11:15
Leslie Smith (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Fast-Slow Coupling in Atmospheric Flows with Water
PDF Presentation

11:25 - 11:50