All times in this Schedule are Pacific Time (PT)
Monday, May 22, 2017
Morning Session
8:00 - 8:50
Check-In/Light Breakfast (Hosted by IPAM)
8:50 - 9:00
Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00 - 10:00
Dean Oliver (Uni Research)
Minimization for sampling and uncertainty quantification
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
Femke Vossepoel (Technische Universiteit te Delft)
Towards data assimilation in coupled flow-geomechanical models

11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 2:30
Lunch (on your own)
Afternoon Session
2:30 - 3:30
Andrew Stuart (California Institute of Technology)
Blackbox Hierarchical Inversion

3:30 - 3:45
3:45 - 4:45
Xiao-Hui Wu (ExxonMobil)
Modeling Subsurface Uncertainty: Practical Considerations
5:00 - 6:30
Poster Session & Reception (Hosted by IPAM)
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Morning Session
8:00 - 9:00
Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
Geir Evensen (IRIS)
Properties of iterative ensemble smoothers and strategies for conditioning on production data

12:30 - 2:30
Lunch (on your own)
Afternoon Session
2:30 - 3:30
3:30 - 3:45
3:45 - 4:45
To Be Announced
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Morning Session
8:00 - 9:00
Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00
Daniel Tartakovsky (Stanford University)
Multi-fidelity simulations of multiphase flow under uncertainty
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
Yalchin Efendiev (Texas A&M University - College Station)
Local reduced-order models and applications to data assimilation and inverse problems
12:30 - 2:30
Lunch (on your own)
Afternoon Session
2:30 - 3:30
3:30 - 3:45
3:45 - 4:45
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Morning Session
8:00 - 9:00
Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00
Omar Ghattas (University of Texas at Austin)
Scalable methods for optimal control of PDEs with random coefficient fields
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
Behnam Jafarpour (University of Southern California (USC))
Pattern-Based Calibration of Complex Subsurface Flow Models
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
Jeremy Brandman (Exxon Research and Engineering Company)
The characterization of reservoirs using hypothetical remote tracer data
12:30 - 2:30
Lunch (on your own)
Afternoon Session
2:30 - 3:30
3:30 - 3:45
3:45 - 4:45
Friday, May 26, 2017
Morning Session
8:00 - 9:00
Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00
Youssef Marzouk (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Parallel local approximation MCMC and certified dimension reduction for large-scale Bayesian inverse problems
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
Peter-Jan van Leeuwen (University of Reading)
Nonlinear data-assimilation in high-dimensional spaces: exploring the typical set
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
Tapan Mukerji (Stanford University)
Computing Value of Information in Earth Sciences: A Simulation-Regression approach
12:30 - 2:30
Lunch (on your own)
Afternoon Session
2:30 - 3:30
Stein Krogstad (SINTEF Applied Mathematics)
Adjoint-based sensitivities in MRST (Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox) with application to multi- segment well completion design

3:30 - 3:45
3:45 - 4:45