Workshop III: Social Data Mining and Knowledge Building

November 5 - 9, 2007


Social Data Mining is a fast-growing and exciting area of inquiry, in which connections among and interactions between individuals are analyzed to understand innovation, collective decision making, and problem solving, and how the structure of organizations and social networks impacts these processes. Analysis of such inherently relational datasets is currently being applied in e-commerce to drive recommendation systems, in bibliometrics to describe patterns of publication and determine the influence of specific individuals, in security environments to understand the structure of terrorist or gang networks, and numerous other areas. This workshop will bring together researchers in mathematics, computer science, and the social sciences to explore the following topics:

  • collective decision making
  • social network analysis
  • social mapping and bibliometrics
  • the role of information visualization in understanding social networks
  • the application of graph-theoretical analysis to social networks
  • data representation strategies, e.g. the Semantic Web

Organizing Committee

Johan Bollen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Ronald Coifman (Yale University)
Andrew McCallum (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Karin Verspoor (Los Alamos National Laboratory)