Workshop IV: Topology, Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Gravity

November 27 - December 1, 2023


All times in this Schedule are Pacific Time (PT)

Monday, November 27, 2023

Morning Session

8:00 - 8:55 Check-In/Breakfast (Hosted by IPAM)
8:55 - 9:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

SESSION CHAIR: Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Research)

9:00 - 9:50
Matthew Hastings (Microsoft Research)

Pumping Chirality in Three Dimensions

10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 11:05
Marius Junge (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Let’s talk about noise

11:15 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 12:20
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch (on your own)

Afternoon Session

SESSION CHAIR: Dave Aasen (Microsoft Station Q)

2:00 - 2:50
Colleen Delaney (University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley))

Rooting out the classical in the topological quantum

3:00 - 3:20 Lightning Poster Session
3:30 - 4:30 Poster Session
5:00 - 6:00
Peter Shor (Massachussetts Institute of Technology)

“Green Family Lecture: Quantum Computing”

6:00 - 7:00 Reception (Location: IPAM Lobby)

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Morning Session

8:00 - 9:00 Check-In/Breakfast (Hosted by IPAM)

SESSION CHAIR: Anurag Anshu (Harvard University)

9:00 - 9:50
10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 11:05
John Wright (University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley))

Virtual -TBD

11:15 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 12:20
Thomas Faulkner (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Quantum Error Correcting for Gravity in the large-N limit

12:30 - 2:00 Lunch (on your own)

Afternoon Session

SESSION CHAIR: Roman Lutchyn (Microsoft Research)

2:00 - 2:50
3:00 - 3:15 Break
3:15 - 4:05
5:00 - 6:00
Peter Shor (Massachussetts Institute of Technology)

“Green Family Lecture: The Development of Quantum Error Correction”

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Morning Session

8:00 - 9:00 Check-In/Breakfast (Hosted by IPAM)

SESSION CHAIR: Colleen Delaney (University of California, Berkeley)

9:00 - 9:50
Michael Freedman (Microsoft Research)

Entanglement of Sections

10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 11:05
Jeongwan Haah (Microsoft Station Q)

Global unitaries and local measurements

11:15 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 12:20
Sakura Schafer-Nameki (University of Oxford)

Virtual Talk: Categorical Landau Paradigm and the SymTFT

12:30 - 12:45 Group Photo
12:45 - 2:30 Lunch (on your own)

Afternoon Session


2:30 - 3:20
Xie Chen (California Institute of Technology)

Topological defects in toric code and Sequential quantum circuit

3:30 - 4:00 Break
4:00 - 4:50

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Morning Session

8:00 - 9:00 Check-In/Breakfast (Hosted by IPAM)

SESSION CHAIR: Marius Junge (University of Illinois)

9:00 - 9:50
Pavel Panteleev (Moscow State University)

High-dimensional Sipser-Spielman codes

10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 11:05
11:15 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 12:20
Dominic Williamson (University of Sydney)

Layer Codes

12:30 - 2:30 Lunch (on your own)

Afternoon Session

SESSION CHAIR: Toby Cubitt (University College London)

2:30 - 3:20
Nicolas Delfosse (Microsoft - Redmond, WA)

Fast erasure decoder for a class of quantum LDPC codes

3:30 - 4:00 Break
4:00 - 4:50
Chinmay Nirkhe (IBM Watson Research Center)

Making the leap to Quantum PCPs

Friday, December 1, 2023

Morning Session

8:00 - 9:00 Check-In/Breakfast (Hosted by IPAM)

SESSION CHAIR: Chinmay Nirkhe (IBM Watson Research Center)

9:00 - 9:50
10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 11:05
Toby Cubitt (University College London)

Hamiltonian simulation meets holographic duality

11:15 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 12:20
12:30 - 2:30 Lunch (on your own)

Afternoon Session

2:30 SESSION CHAIR: Tamara Kohler (Stanford University)
2:30 - 3:20
3:30 - 4:00 Break
4:00 - 4:50
Peter Shor (Massachussetts Institute of Technology)

“Green Family Lecture: tbd”