Workshop IV: Vertex Models: Algebraic and Probabilistic Aspects of Universality

May 20 - 24, 2024


The interplay of integrable models of statistical mechanics with combinations of probability theory and algebraic methods such as transfer matrix formalism, diagram algebras, and quantum group techniques, has proved fruitful in the past decades in both mathematics and physics. It has been particularly beneficial to enhance interactions between researchers working at the interfaces of these areas. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in algebraic and probabilistic aspects of solvable lattice models as well as researchers working on related algebraic subjects who have a common interest in understanding universal phenomena such as KPZ behavior, limit shapes, and convergence of lattice models to CFT predictions. In particular, we aim to develop interactions between different approaches to the study of lattice models, such as Bethe ansatz, (inhomogeneous) CFT methods and the tangent method. Other topics of potential interest include multi-species, forest fires and sandpile models, for which such interactions are less developed as for now. We also intend to foster interactions between researchers studying quantum groups and CFT on the one hand and probabilists working on SLE/CLE topics on the other, hoping for a fruitful synthesis of ideas and techniques.

This workshop will include a poster session; a request for posters will be sent to registered participants in advance of the workshop.

GSIWS4 Flyer

Organizing Committee

Dmitry Chelkak (University of Michigan)
Jan de Gier (University of Melbourne)
Eveliina Peltola (Aalto University)