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White Paper: Science at Extreme Scales: Where Big Data Meets Large-Scale Computing

Posted on 1/9/19 in Reports and White Papers

This white paper is an outcome of IPAM’s fall 2018 long program, Science at Extreme Scales: Where Big Data Meets Large-Scale Computing. Computing has revolutionized science: simulation, or model-based computing, has allowed us to investigate phenomena much more complex than theoretical analysis alone can access, […]

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White Paper: Quantitative Linear Algebra

Posted on 8/21/18 in Reports and White Papers

The following white paper was written by the organizers of the IPAM long program on Quantitative Linear Algebra, held in the spring of 2018, with contributions from many of the program’s participants. The purpose of the program was to bring together topics from a number […]

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White Paper: Complex Energy Landscapes

Posted on 2/22/18 in Reports and White Papers

This white paper was prepared by the participants of the fall 2017 long program Complex High-Dimensional Energy Landscapes. Recent advances in computational resources and the development of high-throughput frameworks enable the efficient sampling of complicated multivariate functions. This includes energy and electronic property landscapes of inorganic, […]

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White Paper: Computational Issues in Oil Field Applications

Posted on 8/15/17 in Reports and White Papers

This report provides a summary by participants of the long program on Computational Issues in Oil Field Applications at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), March 20 – June 9, 2017. It provides brief overviews […]

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