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White Paper: Analysis of Regulatory and Epigenetic Stochasticity in Development and Disease

Posted on 6/1/17 in Reports and White Papers

Prepared by Andrew Feinberg (John Hopkins University) and Roy Wollman (UCLA), summarizing comments from participants of the IPAM workshop Regulatory and Epigenetic Stochasticity in Development and Disease. A workshop related to the analysis of stochasticity in epigenetics was held at IPAM on March 1-3, 2017. […]

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White Paper: Understanding Many-Particle Systems with Machine Learning

Posted on 3/1/17 in Reports and White Papers

This white paper was prepared by the participants of the fall 2016 long program Understanding Many-Particle Systems with Machine Learning. Interactions between many constituent particles, i.e. quarks, electrons, atoms, molecules, or materials, generally give rise to collective or emergent phenomena in matter. Even when the […]

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Optimization and Equilibrium in Energy Economics: Challenges for the Research Communities

Posted on 2/9/17 in Reports and White Papers

Prepared by Michael C. Ferris, University of Wisconsin (summarizing comments from workshop participants).  A workshop related to Optimization and Equilibrium in Energy Economics was held at IPAM on January 11-15, 2016. It was based on the premise that design and decision problems in electrical power […]

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White Papers: Culture Analytics

Posted on 9/26/16 in Reports and White Papers

The data driven analysis of culture is now a reality, and calls for substantial investment in the emerging field of Culture Analytics. Culture Analytics simultaneously studies the dynamics of culturally informed interactions between people, and the cultural expressive forms that result from these interactions, and […]

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