Luis Caffarelli Wins the 2023 Abel Prize
We are thrilled to report that Luis Caffarelli, Mathematician at the University of Texas, Austin, has been awarded the 2023 Abel Prize. The Abel Prize honors groundbreaking contributions to mathematical science and is regarded by many as one of the top prizes in mathematics. Dr. Caffarelli received recognition for his work on equations that are crucial for explaining physical phenomena such as the flow of fluids and the melting of ice.
Dr. Caffarelli served as an organizer and speaker for one of IPAM’s workshops, Nonlocal PDEs, Variational Problems and their Applications, and also participated as a speaker in other IPAM workshops such as Random Media: Homogenization and Beyond, Aspects of Optimal Transport in Geometry and Calculus of Variations, and International Forum on Multiscale Methods and Partial Differential Equations.
Congratulations, Luis Caffarelli!