Graduate-level Research in Industrial Projects for Students (G-RIPS) – Sendai 2024

June 18 - August 8, 2024

Sponsors and Projects

Sponsors and project titles in 2024 include the following :

  • Fujitsu: Enhancing explainability of causal discovery AI. In this project, students are expected to devise and implement a new user interface of causal discovery AI, to enhance the explainability of causal discovery AI. You can find a detailed project description here: Fujitsu Project Description
  • IHI: Resilient water management modeling against global warming and for sustainable food supply.IHI Corporation has developed a simulation model to improve the efficiency of water management systems. This is crucially important to mitigate effects of climate change. The goal of this project is to suggest optimized gate operation for such a system to improve water use efficiency using data from the water management system.You can find a detailed project description here: IHI Project Description
  • MITSUBISHI-A: Exploration of useful geometric structures for object recognition using point clouds. A point cloud is a dataset consisting of points represented by the coordinates x, y, and z. In this project, participants will use deep learning to generate artificial geometric structures, to develop an implementation that enables accurate object detection even with limited point clouds. You can find a detailed project description here: Mitsubishi-A Project Description
  • MITSUBISHI-B: Achievable precision with heuristic solvers: quantum algorithms and quantum supremacy.In this project, students will investigate the performance of new quantum algorithm. They will define a metric to describe how good potentially obtainable solutions are, and will investigate whether some mathematical guarantee for “achievable precision” can be given.You can find a detailed project description here: Mitsubishi-B Project Description