Chandrajit Bajaj
(University of Texas at Austin)
Alberto Bartesaghi
(National Institute of Health NCI)
Gregory Beylkin
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
Jose Carazo
(Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIS))
Ronald DeVore
(University of South Carolina)
Adel Faridani
(Oregon State University)
Achilleas Frangakis
(EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory))
Joachim Frank
(SUNY Albany)
Paul French
(Imperial College)
Gabor Herman
(City University of New York (CUNY))
John Kaufhold
(Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC))
Jelena Kovacevic
(Carnegie-Mellon University)
Steven Ludtke
(Baylor College of Medicine)
Robert Murphy
(Carnegie-Mellon University)
Frank Natterer
(Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster)
Pawel Penczek
(University of Texas at Houston - Medical School)
Jerry Prince
(Johns Hopkins University)
Martin Rumpf
(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
Guillermo Sapiro
(University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Yoel Shkolnisky
(Yale University)
Frederick Sigworth
(Yale University)
Phoebe Stewart
(Vanderbilt University)
Sriram Subramaniam
(National Institutes of Health (NIH))
Hanspeter Winkler
(Florida State University)
Hong Zhou
(University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))