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Elliott Lieb Receives 2022 Gauss Prize

Posted on 7/9/22 in News

We are thrilled to report that Elliott H. Lieb, Professor of Mathematics and Higgins Professor of Physics (emeritus) at Princeton University, has been awarded the 2022 Gauss Prize. Announced at the International Mathematical Union (IMU) in Helsinki, Finland, the Gauss Prize honors scientists whose mathematical […]

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American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects New Members

Posted on 5/3/22 in News

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences recently announced the election of 261 new members. The academy is committed to multidisciplinary, nonpartisan research that engages experts in various fields and professions to provide pragmatic solutions for complex challenges. Each year, it recognizes some of the world’s […]

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IPAM Hosts Satellite Workshop

Posted on 4/26/22 in News

The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) announces the 2022 Celebration of Women In Mathematics to be held on May 12.  The program includes a panel, break out discussions, and social event aimed at graduate students with a focus on “How to Build a Career in […]

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IPAM Welcomes Prineha Narang to UCLA 

Posted on 4/15/22 in News

Prineha Narang, a renowned scholar in theoretical and computational science, will join the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) faculty in chemistry as the Howard Reiss Development Chair. Effective July 2022, Prineha and her team will transition the NarangLab to UCLA and continue to explore […]

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